The Arabic Papyrology Database

Editions implemented into the APD with full-text and/or metadata

All documents in the APD are referred to with sigles (names) according to the Arabic Papyrology Bibliography, which is permanently updated. The sigla for monographs are also found on the ISAP Checklist of published non-literary papyri.

For a full list of editions go to our Full printable view.

Editions from recently published articles are in general implemented with full text. Also fully implemented are the following monographs:

  • BKT VI
  • Chrest.Khoury I
  • Chrest.Khoury II
  • P.Bad. V
  • P.Berl.Arab. II
  • P.Bodl.Arab.
  • P.Cair.Arab. (I‑VI)
  • P.EgyptAragon
  • P.Fatimid
  • P.Fay.Monast.
  • P.Gascou
  • P.Giss.Arab.
  • P.Grenf. II
  • P.Hamb.Arab. (I‑II)
  • P.Haram (I‑II)
  • P.Harrauer
  • P.Heid.Arab. (I‑III)
  • P.Heid.Rechtsgutachten
  • P.Horak
  • P.JoySorrow
  • P.KaraiteGenizah
  • P.Khalili I
  • P.Khurasan
  • P.KölnKauf.
  • P.KRU
  • P.Lond. IV
  • P.Marchands (I‑III, V/1)
  • P.MariageSeparation
  • P.Mil.Vogl.
  • P.Mird
  • P.Mudun
  • P.MuslimState
  • P.Ness.
  • P.Palau.Rib.Arab.
  • P.Panop.Bisch.
  • P.Prag.Arab.
  • P.Quds
  • P.Qurra
  • P.QuseirArab. (I‑II)
  • P.Ross.Georg. (IV‑V)
  • P.Ryl.Arab. II
  • P.Saarisalo
  • P.Saladin
  • P.Sinaikloster
  • P.St.Catherine II
  • P.Steuerquittungen
  • P.Terminkauf
  • P.Transmission
  • P.Vente
  • P.VierStudien
  • P.Vind.Arab. (I‑III)
  • P.WataiqAlHaram
  • P.World

The APD covers a selection from the following monographs:

  • P.Alqab
  • P.Aragon
  • P.Ardabil
  • P.Berl.Arab. I
  • P.Blockprints
  • P.CertificatsPelerinage
  • P.CorteNazari
  • P.Damas
  • P.EscriturasMoz.Tol.
  • P.Fay.Villages
  • P.Flor.Arab.
  • P.GenizahCambr.
  • P.Granada
  • P.GranadaNazari
  • P.Haun.Arab.
  • P.LettresAlmohades
  • P.Marques
  • P.Moriscos
  • P.Mozarab
  • P.PaisValenciano I
  • P.PaisValenciano II
  • P.Philad.Arab.
  • P.Ryl.Arab. I
  • P.Sicilia
  • P.St.Catherine I

Editions from the following monographs are not yet included in the APD:

  • P.ArchivoGranada I
  • P.ArchivoGranada II
  • P.Cair.Archives
  • P.Christ.Musl.
  • P.Cullar
  • P.Heid. XI

Implemented editions:

- January - June 2024: P.Christ.Musl. (KK/LS), P.TillierVanthieghemSilence (CB/LS)

- January - December 2023 (AD, KK, LS): CPR XXI 25, P.Berl.Arab. I 14, 21, 22; P.KamalObligation, P.VanthieghemSurintendant 2, P.BruningSlaveTrade 3, P.KamalTwoBusinessLetters, P.KamalTribunal, P.YounesRoom, P.TillierVoyageur, P.GenizahCambr. 41, P.WeitzLongArm, P.Christ.Musl.

- 2021 - 2022: P.AljoumaniAccount (LS/MH), P.Philad.Arab. 29 (LS) P.Fay.Villages 2, 4, 9 (NU/TG/LS), P.Mozarab. 1033 (TG/LS), P.VanthieghemMonks 1-3 (AD/TG/LS), P.BruningSlaveTrade 1-2 (AD/LS)

- July - October 2020: 24 documents (P.Haram I 35; P.Haram II 6, 15, 46; P.Ross.Georg. V 73; P.HanafiReport; P.GuoDocuments II 7 verso; P.Philad.Arab. 20; P.LiebrenzArchive 1-3, 5+14, 6, 7, 8, 9-12, 13+4, 15, 17, 18; P.VanthieghemCorrespondance II)

- April - June 2020: 40 documents (P.VierStudien III 6, 11, 12; P.Ryl.Arab. I XI 3, 4, 9, 12-15, 19; P.Ryl.Arab. I XII 5, 6, 8, 9; P.VanthieghemReédition; P.Alqāb 88, 89, 92; P.CértificatsPélérinage 1; P.Saarisalo 2; P.BlidZaborowskiExcavation 1 recto/verso, 2, 3, 4; P.AbdulRahmanMarriageDivorce recto/verso; P.Haram I 7, 11; P.Haram II 2, 5, 8, 9, 14, 45, 48; P.NasrTaamulat recto/verso; P.WataiqAlHaram 3)

- January - March 2020: 21 documents (P.Fatimid 6-10, P.LabartaNovelda 4.1-4.4, P.LabartaNovelda 13, P.Ryl.Arab. I XI 1, P.VierStudien 1-5, 7-10, P.Saarisalo 1)

- October - December 2019: 6 documents (P.Aragon 148, P.EgyptAragon 4, 6, P.Fatimid 4, 5, P.RustowPetition)

- July - September 2019: 7 documents (P.VanthieghemArabisation; P.VanthieghemContrats 1-6 + documents for internal use only)

- April - June 2019: 6 documents (P.Ryl.Arab. I XI 2, 7, 8, 10, P.Ryl.Arab. I XII 2, P.Egypt.Aragon 3)

- January - March 2019: 17 documents (P.TillierRegistre 1; P.Ryl.Arab. I XV 105; P.Ryl.Arab. I V 1, 3, 4; P.Haun.Arab. I 2, 3 A-K, P.Ryl.Arab. I XII 1, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14 P.TillierRegistre 2, 3; P.Vind.Arab. I 68)

- October - December 2018: 17 documents (P.BruningDevelopments; P.Ryl.Arab. I XV 6a, 10ab; 20b recto, 24b verso, 30a, 31c, 54b, 55c, 56a, 57h, 73 verso, 74, 79c, 82b)

- August - October 2018: 6 documents (P.FalkenhausenTroccoli 1, 2, 3; P.Haram I 9 = P.Niyaba 8; P.Niyaba 9, 10)

- May - July 2018: 11 documents (P.Haram I 42; P.JohnsSeaExchange Part I, II; P.Hamb.Arab. I 15, 16, 17, 18; P.Giss.Arab. 4, 5; P.FalkenhausenTroccoli 5, 6)

- January - April 2018: 13 documents (P.Quds 6, 7, 8a/b/c, 9, 10; P.Haram I 43; P.WataiqAlHaram 8, 9, 10; P.JohnsSeaExchange Part III)

- November 2017 - January 2018: 14 documents (P.GenizahCambr. 70; 81; 98 I; 98 II; P.Transmission 2, 3, 7a/b, 8; P. Quds 1-5 + documents for internal use)

- August 2017 - October 2017: 6 documents (P.Moriscos 4; 11; 12; 13; P.GenizahCambr. 93; 97) + three documents for internal use

- May 2017 - July 2017: 5 documents (P.Aragon 90; 92; 93; 104; P.Vind.Arab. III 32) + documents only internally accessible

- February 2017 - April 2017: 9 documents (P.Aragon 69; 104; 108; 111; P.Ardabil 9; 11; P.GenizahCambr. 3; 20; P.Vind.Arab. III 34) + documents only internally accessible

- November 2016 - January 2017: 15 documents (P.Aragon 9; 44;46: 48; P.Saladin 1, 5, 6; P.Haram II 12; 58; 60; P.Ardabil 3; 7a; 10; 11a; 12)

- August 2016 - October 2016: 39 documents (P.Aragon 6; 49; 83; 146; 151; 160; P.GenizahCambr. 32-34; Chrest.Khoury I 17-19; Chrest.Khoury II 1-2; 35-36; P.Vind.Arab. III 38-41; 43-44; 47-48; 64; 67; P.Haram I 16; 17; 20-25 37a; b; c; 46; P.Saladin 2; 3; 4)

- May 2016 - July 2016: 27 documents (P.Aragon 64; 115; 121; 133; 138; 141; P.Marques 1a; 1b; 5; 8a; 8b; 8c; 10a; 10b; 10c; 10d; 10e; 16a; 16b; 20a; 20b; 23; 24; 27; P.Hamb.Arab. II 3; 4a; 4b; 12; 37)

- February 2016 - March 2016: 28 documents (P.LabartaCartas 3-6; P.LabartaReconocimiento; P.LabartaAljama; P.ShahinScheltbrief; P.CahenFaitDivers; P.KhanAppointment; P.RichardsQaraqus; P.RichardsGlimpses; P.DiemBegleitbrief; P.RodriguezFatima; P.BruningSunna; P.BruningPaper b and d; P.VigueraDocumentosAragon 1-2; P.LittleCourtRecords 1-2; P.RichardsDay-Book; P.SternMovement; P.RagibGolenischeff; P.SourdelDeuxActes 1-2; P.SagaralDurr; P.SourdelAhlat; P.SecodeLucenaDerecho)

- November 2015 - January 2016: 102 documents (P.LabartaCincoDocumentos 2-5; CPR III 166-187 and 189-212; P.RodriguezAlmanjayar 37; P.GrohmannNeuBeitraege 6; P.MariageSeparation 25-29; 32; 34-35; 37; 40-46; 48-51; P.LittleDivorce recto and verso; P.Sinaikloster II 1-2; P.OsmanischesAegypten 1; P.ReinfandtWeingutbesitzer; P.LabartaCartas 1-2; P.RichardsEducation; P.TisserantLettre; P.SilvestreTraite; P.RiberaTratado; P.WansbroughCommercialPrivileges 2; P.WansbroughTreatyFlorence; P.VanthieghemLocation 2-3; P.CrumCharm; P.GrohmannGreekPapyri 13)

- August - October 2015: 109 documents (P.SijpesteijnTutun; P.DiemRechtsurkunden 1-4; P.Heid.Rechtsgutachten; P.DiemHaramCat. 1-2; P.DiemWien 5-6; P.JohnsMystery 1-2; P.KhanQasrIbrim; CPR III 1 108-165 and 188; P.Steuerquittung 40-64; P.MariageSeparation 24; P.ZomenoNotaries 1-3; P.LegendreReutilisation recto and verso; P.SoldevilaPere 58; P.RodriguezAlmanjayar 10a-10b; P.VanthieghemExercice; P.VanthieghemSaufConduit; P.VanthieghemToponymie; P.ShahinScheltbrief; P.SijpesteijnInvitation; P.SijpesteijnPrivate; P.RagibJuridiction 1-2

- May 2015 - July 2015: 64 documents (P.LutfiIqrar 6 recto and verso; P.MoutonSadr 1, 5-8; P.SijpesteijnTroubles; P.SourdelAttaque; P.SourdelDeuxDocuments 1-2; P.VanthieghemReçu; P.SourdelActe recto and verso; P.SourdelVente 1-3; P.BaudenAlexandrie; P.DaaifDocument; P.MoutonRachat 1-2; P.MerxDocuments (= P.KarabacekBemerkungenMerx); P.KhanFatimidChancery; P.VanthieghemMaquignon 1-9; P.Flor.Arab. 43 (= P.WansbroughSafeConduct); P.DiemWien 1-4; P.Mird 83, 85-94; P.DiemRemarkableDocuments 1-3; P.MariageSeparation 21-23, 30-31; 33, 36, 38-39, 47; P.DiemReviewMarchands I p. 276; P.LabartaCincoDocumentos 1)

- February 2015 - April 2015: 71 Documents (P.AcienAlmansaTextosMudejares A-B; P.LutfiIqrar 1-5; P.MargoliouthMonneret I 1-III 1; P.Mird 58-82; P.PahlitzschCommunication 1-2; P.GottheilKaraites; P.SternDecree; P.HeidemannDecret; P.Steuerquittungen 31-39; P.RichardsMonastery; P.BaudenTroisLettres; P.MüllerBaybars; P.MoutonSadr 2-4)

- November 2014 - January 2015: 62 documents (P.AbdarraziqMariagesDesEsclaves; P.RichardsMamlukPetition 2; P.RichardsWrittenDocuments 1, 4, 18; P.LittleFivePetitions 9, 25, 215, 305, 310; P.MariageSeparation 9-10; P.Mird 39-56; P.SternMamlukPetitions 1-3B; P.SternAyyubidPetitions 1-3verso b; P.KhanAl-Amir; P.LevidellaVidaMarriage; P.Steuerquittungen 25-30; P.MurielMoralesCancillería 1-3; P.MartinezAlmiraRescate; P.SilvestredeSacyYakoub 2-3; P.WansbroughMamlukLetter)

- August 2014 - October 2014: 106 documents (P.Heid.Arab. III 45-52; P.Steuerquittungen 1-23; P.BuresiPise 1-6; P.BuresiPlaintes 1-2; P.RustowWoman; P.LittleTwoPetitons 1-3; P.RichardsQasama 4-5, 7-11; P.Mird 2-34, 36-38, P.LittleJews 1-3; P.FalkenhausenCharter, P.JohnsMezzoiuso; P.GrohmannFatimidenerlass; P.GrohmannNeueBeitraege 1-5; P.MariageSeparation 7-8; P.RichardsMamlukPetition 1)

- May 2014 - July 2014: 85 documents (CPR XXVI 23-45; P.Heid.Arab. III 23-44; P.MariageSeparation 2-6, 11-20; P.Bodl.Arab. 1-2; P.BoschHuesca 1-5; P.DelattreEntagion; P.DelattreSymbole; P.HanafiContracts 2; P.KhanInheritance; P.MalczyckiInstructions; P.RagibEdfou 1-4, P.RichardsFatimidPetition 1-2; P.RichardsQasama 1-3, 6; P.DiemVulgarismus)

- February 2014 - April 2014: 73 documents (P.Terminkauf 1, 1a, 2, 3; P.Heid.Arab. III 1-22; P.MariageSeparation p. 65 and 1; P.SternFatimidPetitions 1-3; CPR XXVI 1-19; P.AbbottMarriageContracts 1-2; P.MartinezRuizRecibos 1-14; Chrest.Khoury I 87; P.AlarconAbenaboo; P.BejaranoSevilla I; P.BejaranoSevilla II; P.GalvezYarida)

- November 2013-January 2014: 7 documents (P.ChampollionDocuments XXXVII 5 = P.SultanMerinide; P.Frantz-MurphyTransformation; P.HanafiPrivateLetters 1-2; P.HindsNubia; P.RagibQurra 1 = Chrest.Khoury I 92 = P.Gascou; P.GuoDinars = P.QuseirArab. 1; P.LacarraTratados 1-2; P.DiemCair.Arab.V 317; P.Diem.Cair.Arab. V 335; P.RagibAn22)

- July - October 2013: 28 documents (P.VanthieghemLocation; P.DelattreEcrire 1-2; P.Cair.Arab. 251; P.ReinfandtLeinenhaendler; P.Torrey; P.UmariHuyul 1-15; P.Terminkauf 1; P.deMataTreguas; P.BaudenAchat 1-2; P.BaudenInterpreters; P.SilvestredeSacyGenes 1-2 (= P.AmariGenova 1-2 = P.BaudenDueTrattati 1-2)

- April - June 2013: 36 documents (P.MomblanchAzraq = P.BarceloAzraq 1 = P.BurnsRendicio = P.BurnsAzraq = P.GuichardValence 68 A = P.BurnsTreaties 1; P.Aragon. 154 P.Aragon. 154 = P.BarceloAzraq 2; P.BurnsTreaties 2; P.AguirreCompraventa; P.DerenbourgCharte A-B P.DerenbourgBarrauCharte = P.ColinCharte = P.LeonTelloPoblacion; P.DiemMauleselin; P.DiemKontoauszug; P.Frantz-MurphyContracts 1-5; P.HanafiTwoPaperDocuments 1-3; P.HanafiTwoArabicDocuments 1-2; P.HanafiBusinessLetter; P.HanafiWill; P.Abdel-RahmanLease; P.LevidellaVidaDruggist = P.Philad.Arab. 52; P.MoutonPauvrete 1-2; P.RichardsSquareDecree; P.SijpesteijnArmyEconomics; P.SijpesteijnQurra; P.SternItalianMerchants; P.DiemMamlukischerBrief; P.SternAyyubidDecrees 1-2; P.Clackson 45; P.GrohmannSteuerpapyrus; P:RagibLettreFamiliale; P.AnawatiPapyrusChretien)

- January - March 2013: 54 documents (P.Cair.Arab. 233-250; 266-287; P.DiemMagischeText 1-3; P.DiemPrivatbriefe 1-2; P.AsinTudela 2-8; P.Garcia-ArenalTudelaTaragona 1 and 3-11)

- October-December 2012: 75 documents (P.Cair.Arab. 215-231; 252-265; 387-404; 424-444; P.CerveraVenta; P.AsinTudela 1 = P.GarciaTudelaTarazona 2 )

- July-September 2012: 96 documents (P.Cair.Arab. 325-386; 405-423; P.Prag.Arab. 86-96; P.RodriguezMasari 2-7d)

- April - June 2012: 78 documents (P.Prag.Arab. 68-85; P.Prag.Arab. Beilage VIII verso; P.Cair.Arab. 289 - 324; 362; P.CabanelasOtroDocumento; P.FerrandoDonacion; P.FerrandoNuevosDocumentos 1-2; P.FerrandoTestamentoCompraventa 1-2; P.RodriguezMurdi 3, 3bis a, 3bis b; P.RodriguezMasari 1a-c)

- Januar - March 2012: 39 documents (P.Prag.Arab. 45-67; P.Prag.Arab. Beilage I-VIII Recto, P.GayangosPoblet = P.DagornPoblet, P.CabanelasDocumentoMozarabe, P.RodriguezCompraventa 1-2, P.Cair.Arab. 196-201; 288)

- October - December 2011: 66 documents (P.Prag. 23-44, P.FahmiTaaquid 3-10, P.Berl.Arab. 81-85, P.Loth 1-2, P.Cair.Arab. 167-196, P.Hamb.Arab. 1a-b and 1c)

- July - September 2011: 64 documents (P.Khalili I completed, P.Prag. 1-22, P.FahmiTaaqud 1-2, P.Berl.Arab. II 37-80)

- April - June 2011: 41 documents (until P.Khalili I 31; until P.Berl.Arab. II 36)